Friday, September 9, 2011

Cold or Allergies

Cold and Allergies- How do I tell the difference

It’s that time of the year where everything is seeming to bloom and be harvested, but it is also the time where there seem to be more sick friends and coworkers poping up as well. As you start to sneeze and your congestion builds up that tickle in the back of your throat keeps you wondering- am I sick? Or is it just allergies?

Colds are infections caused by viruses and the classical symptoms of the cold are caused by the immune system attack on the contagious pathogens. These symptoms are the occurring because the body is doing what it should be to get rid of this harmful organism invaded.

Allergies on the other hand, and as explained in previous posts, are the body’s hypersensitive response to a harmless stimulus, or allergy, which the immune system recognizes as a danger. Allergies are not contagious and continue as long as the allergen is present.

So how do we know the difference? 

If you are still not sure what you have don’t hesitate to call a physician to check it out. Also, try to avoid possible allergy triggers to see if symptoms improve.  This can even be taken a step further by taking an allergy medication, such as a Claritin to see if symptoms are alleviated. Do you have a history of allergies? Have you had allergies before and does this feel similar or different? These may be signs that you are the allergy sufferer. On the other hand if nothing seems to be helping, the cold is the more likely cause. For colds, also think about anyone you know who has recently fallen ill or that anyone you associate with has after you. Do you work in a place with children, sick people, or just a high volume of public exposure?

Either way symptom relief is the treatment you are most likely to go with for either way. If you suspect a cold, and for just regular health promotion, make sure to wash your hands often, cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough, and carry hand sanitizer around. Also for a cold, get adequate rest, drink plenty of fluids, and possibly try some OTC medications for symptom relief. As for allergies symptom relief can be taken from a variety of medications and avoid the allergy triggers. Make sure that you talk to a doctor before you start any medication regimes or plans. 

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