Sunday, September 18, 2011

Allergy Skin Tests

Allergy Skin Tests

With hay fever, the most common thing you are told is to avoid your triggers. But what if you don’t know what the triggers, how are you supposed to avoid them? How do you find out what they are?

Allergy skin tests are designed to help expose whether or not a suspected allergen is actually what is causing the allergic reaction. To gather information on what could be a possible suspected allergen is through the medical history.  During the medical history some questions that may be asked include: How long have you had the allergy? Where do you live? How long do the symptoms last for? Where do you work or what are some environmental exposures?

After gathering the information, the suspected allergen will then be introduced in one of three ways- a skin prick test, skin injection test, and patch test.

            Skin Prick Test- is done with a lancet injected different allergens. The results usually come in about 15 minutes. It can be done with as many as 40 different substances to see if the allergies are from pollen, mold, pet dander, dust and even food allergies. If a skin prick test is positive, there will be a skin response This could be a raised, red itchy lump- somewhat like a mosquito bite.

            Skin Injection Test- a test that, like the skin prick, injects a small amount of allergen extract into your skin. The difference is that instead of a lancet, it is used with a needle to be a little deeper as an intradermal test. In about 15 minutes, there will be signs of an allergic reaction- this test isn’t very common for hay fever like the skin prick test, but more for allergies to venoms or specific medications.

            Patch Test- tests to see if there is an allergic reaction by not injecting an allergen, but instead applying it to a patch, which will be placed on the skin. Like the injection test, this isn’t very common for hay fever, but more for contact dermatitis, such as latex or preservative allergies. The patch will be worn for 2 and irritation will indicated a positive test.  

All of these tests are used in order to pinpoint what your allergies are in order to avoid them. This means may not be necessary for everyone, but more for those who really need to know, are more susceptible, and have very severe allergies. Talk to your doctor about if this interests you to see when/how you can receive this testing. 

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